aw, hell. i just thought it was because you aren't Scottish.
growing up, if we were caught killing a spider, our Glaswegian dad
would've given us the belt...why?
Back in the 1300s Robert the Bruce fought and lost six battles against
the British. Defeated, discouraged at heart, and hiding from his
enemies, he sat shivering in a cave, dejectedly watching a spider
weaving a web. Six times the spider tried to swing the final string of
its web and six times it failed; then on the seventh try, the spider
made it. Robert the Bruce figured that if an insect could keep trying,
so could he. Out he went to fight again, defeating the British, and
winning the throne of Scotland.
so send your address. if it's close enough to my dad, he'll come over
and "teach" you the proper way to care for spiders. he's 77 and has
false teeth, but he's still got a worse bite than the Brown Recluse!
On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 01:25 PM, Seth Hurwitz wrote:
> It was not a very big spider. However, I live on the East Coast of the
> U.S. and we get some pretty wicked little spiders (such as the Brown
> Recluse), although they generally stay out of your way. These spiders
> are not going to kill you, but you get a nasty bite which can abscess.
> I've been bitten (not too badly) and had a friend who was bitten (very
> nasty!). However, I should not have killed the spider. I generally agree
> with Mr. Benschop that a bug should be released back into the wild. I
> was in a hurry, on my way to work, and I just did not feel like picking
> it up, unlocking the back door and dropping it outside. It's bad karma,
> but I made Oliver's random sigs, so I guess overall I feel pretty good.
>> Don't forget to tell us about the size of the spider!
>> Oliver ;)
>>>> 04/25/02 03:01PM >>>
>> Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 10:57:28 -0400
>> From: "Seth Hurwitz" <>
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Toshiba does newton-size
>> I used my Palm IIIe yesterday. I picked up my Newton and there was a
>> spider underneath. I looked around for a book, saw my Palm and used
> the
>> Palm to squish it. Seriously.
> Welcome to my random signatures!
> Oliver :)
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