Re: [NTLK] Be-all End-all sync app...

From: SlashDevNull (
Date: Sat Apr 27 2002 - 03:11:07 EDT


  Ok, the way I see this is there are three choices.

  1) Start a petition that shows someone EXACTLY how much money there is to
be made by creating this product. Someone once said that Now-up-to-Date,
or a similar program, worked with Newton connectivity up to version 3.9. It
is now at version 4.1. If we got a good number of people that pledged to
purchase this program if they re-enabled the Newton connectivity, I am sure
they would get it working again. We simply have to have more people give
them money than it would cost, plus a worthwhile profit. A good thing in
our favor is that the Newton, for all intents and purposes, is a dead
platform. And I mean dead, as in Latin. It doesn't change.

  2) We can all do what I did. Simply accept the fact that there is no way
to sync with a desktop app and simply enter and keep everything on the
Newton. Rather than have my info in 2 places, the Newton and a PIM, I keep
it on the Newton.

  3) Get over it.

  This is a simple dollars issue. We need to pay someone to do the work.
Believe me, I am a coder and it is NO fun reverse engineering protocols and
data stores. If we gave some company a million dollars, they would write an
app. It is that simple. I am assuming that we don't have a million dollars
to give so we need to pledge enough to make it worth their while.

  Personally I think the best bet is to get that company to re-implement the
Newton code. They have code that works. It worked 5 years ago, and it will
work now.

  But we need A LOT of people, I'm guessing at least a thousand, to stand
up, pledge their money, and send in emails stating that.

  Or we can all wait for someone else to do something.


> on 4/27/02 7:10 AM, at
> wrote:
>> I can't be the only one who has ever had this thought. Someone who
>> actually has some skill must have at least started working on something
>> or a plan of some type.
> The problem is that several people have started, but nobody has finished...
> That should tell us something, although I'm not sure what... :-)

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