So what you're talking about is starting some sort of an open source
project. Well that's always possible. Perhaps the most appropriate trail
for this has already been blazed for us through the Linux type GNU license.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, 29 April 2002 2:48 p.m.
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Be-all End-all sync app...
Well, let me start again here, and I'll try to be brief.
Personally I feel the P*lm is an inferior device, but it has superior
software on the PC side (when I say PC I mean Mac and Wintel boxes).
There are various conduits available to sync various different PC-based
programs with the basic apps built into the handheld. They are all
controlled by the basic HotSync program. Sure, there are some third-part
sync apps like Intelli-Sync, but even that interfaces with HotSync and
expands it's functionality to different hand-held devices.
What we have, is each PC based app needs it's own Sync program, some, as
in the case of Outlook, need more than one program and we still don't
get ALL of our data across.
I understand development time, I understand costs, I've been in this
business a long time. I'm just trying to plant a seed. If someone has
had a Hot-Newt idea and started working on a project, share it. If they
ran out of time, pass it on. It's not a marathon that needs to be run by
one person, make it a relay race. A lot of people have had great ideas
for products and gone very far with them. I just want some of them to
get together. I don't want to see someone give up because they had other
commitments or simply had to follow the money in order to keep food on
the table. You can fault people for that. It's a fact that no one is
going to buy a new house writing programs for the Newton, why not have a
group of people give a bit of their time for the love of the Newt and
modest Shareware fees ;-)
I understand your example of Now-up-to-date, but you're missing MY point
and being to specific. Think of the "big picture". I'm assuming you've
used a P*lm and understand exactly what I mean when I explain HotSync
and the difference between HotSync and the P*lm desktop.
I know that we are both missing each other's points, but I hope that
this helps us see things a bit better. (Especially since you said you
have 3 Newtons and I still only have one :-(... show off)
I think we're close when you mention the plumbing, but a commercial app
like that will NEVER drop into one of our programmers laps so he can rip
it apart. My dream is of one program to do the work, various plug-ins
that tell it what to do. Write it in C and it can be ported.
Darn...I said I would be brief...
-----Original Message-----
From: SlashDevNull []=20
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Be-all End-all sync app...
I think you missed all of my points.
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