Re: [NTLK] -48402 Was Because of Wavelan Alpha 3 Driver - Weird...

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 11:25:13 EDT

On 29/04/02 10:25, "David Abramowitz" <> wrote:

> Well, I was correct (sorry, Robert!) after all. Here is how I can get a
> -48402 error without fail, with the driver installed. Maybe someone can try
> it, and see it if happens for you too:
> 1. Bring up Owner Info
> 2. Tap on one of your worksites (I have Home and Work, and this happens with
> Home)
> 3. Tap on Show All
> Bingo, error comes up. The only way I can make it go away is to delete the
> alpha3 driver, which sucks because I wanted to actually make use of the
> WaveLan card.. :(

If that doesn't happen with your other worksite 'Work', then I would think
that something got corrupted with your 'Home' worksite. Did you try create
another worksite and see if that works?


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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elder days n.: The heroic age of hackerdom (roughly, pre-1980); the era of
the PDP-10, TECO, ITS, and the ARPANET. This term has been rather
consciously adopted from J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy epic "The Lord of the
Rings". Compare Iron Age; see also elvish and Great Worm. 

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