On 4/30/02 5:15 AM, "Andr=E9 Baron" <abaron_at_mac.com> wrote:
Andre, thanks for the rebuttle. I want to make clear that I don't want to
buy Dells, and that so far, I have not. I stand accused of only considerin=
the cost of the machines I purchase--and I'm guilty as charged! In April o=
every school year, we must submit our complete (and unwavering) budget for
the following year. So that means I must know now what I will buy in
September. What's more, this submission may or may not get approved!
I certainly am a Mac advocate, and would love to equip my students/staff
with the latest and greatest Apple has to offer, but it's just too darn
expensive, and until the G3 iMacs we currently have no longer suit our need=
(like the 4400's they just replaced!) that's what we're going to use. We
even have an "official stance" on OS X: we don't use it.
The vast majority of school districts (that I encounter at least) are "penn=
poor" and, unfortunately, this fact dictates a lot of what we do (or don't)=
Perhaps the cube comparison was a bit unfair, as these machines are markete=
differently, but I still don't think this will be the Education Blockbuster
Apple execs hope for.
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