----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Barraclough" <richard_at_sigma.ndo.co.uk>
To: <newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net>
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 9:55 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Me & my MP
> But also...
> * Play MP3s with MAD Max
> Well, I would but the playback stutters.
If you are streaming yourself try a lower bitrate. If you are listening to
others streams see if they have a stream that is lower bitrate. Maybe free
up some heap also may help do the trick.
> * telnet
> I can almost exist through telnet! But input without a keyboard its
> just silly!
I cant live with telnet unless if its a router or a managed switch. Any nix
boxes I admin or use only have SSH. If someone made SSH for the newton I
would use my newt a lot more and gladly pay the $50 that some are raising
hell about on the ATA driver (which if I had the need right now for the
storage I would get it but I dont so I will wait until I do).
> P.S. "You know you're a Newton user when you've used the backlight to find
> your way in the dark"
> I'm proud to say "that's me"!
I have done that as well several times :)
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