Re: [NTLK] ebay vs list

From: SlashDevNull (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 11:20:41 EDT


  Any particular reason that you decided to continue a thread that shouldn't
of gotten to the list anyway? And it got to the list because someone wanted
to show how sensitive and thoughtful he was to everyone else.

  Oh, I see. You wanted to voice your opinion and then, rather cleverly,
invoke the 'Hitler' rule so the thread would end. So you wanted the last
word for apparently no other reason than vanity.

  The thread was dropped. And it seems silly to continue the thread by
saying it should be dropped. If you, and I mean anyone, wants a thread to
end, simply don't respond.


P.S. Yes, I know that is exactly what I am doing. That is what makes it so

on 8/13/02 8:26 AM, Rich Lindsay at wrote:

> I have a cousin and a God Son who are retarded....
> OOps Developmentally challenged.....
> PC= Censorship of thoughts and speach by a self ordained "correct" group
> of persons. Kinda like Hitler and his friends.
> Rich
> (yes I said hitler, that was easy this time)
> </endthread/>

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