On Tuesday, August 13, 2002, at 11:20 AM, SlashDevNull wrote:
> Hmmmmm.
> Any particular reason that you decided to continue a thread that
> shouldn't of gotten to the list anyway? And it got to the list because
> someone wanted to show how sensitive and thoughtful he was to everyone
> else.
It ticked me off!
> Oh, I see. You wanted to voice your opinion and then, rather
> cleverly, invoke the 'Hitler' rule so the thread would end. So you
> wanted the last word for apparently no other reason than vanity.
Nice guess, but you are reading way too much into things. every person
who took psyc:101 thinks their an expert.
> The thread was dropped.
I responded to it as soon as I read it. Sorry if it didnt fit your
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