Hi Chris,
sorry to hear that you want to leave (or already have left) this list.
As far as I am concerned I try to keep out of all the not Newt related
threads containing "useless user-user flames" as you call it.
The main two reasons for me to stay in this list are:
1) you will never ever find such a great user list with that much competence
for an electronic PDA that is (unfortunately) not produced anymore
2) if you have a serious question (I mean not one of that again and again
upcoming FAQs from Newbies) you will most probably get a competent answer
I think that this community is simply great and unique.
I totally agree to you that there is a lot of useless threads, but I simply
delete them - thats what we have subject lines for.
Regarding your 1st realization I totally DISAGREE and I also have to say
that this realization may be based on the fact that there is a big number of
threads on hardware problems.
I do not have the statistics, but of course in order to get an appropriate
picture you have to classify the problems and to take into account
reoccurring problems. My feeling is that most of the problems are really
minor and can be solved easily. Of course our beloved Newt is getting older
and the possibilities to repair damages that happen from dropping it or
dropping something onto its display are getting more and more rare.
In my opinion the Newt has a very good (for the time it was designed)
hardware design and is very very reliable.
In principle it is vice versa to that what you realized - since the Newton
community has only very very few real problems to discuss -compared to the
Windows world where you can spend ages discussing failures and problems and
how to solve them - without having the opportunity to do real WORK with your
PC inbetween - there are long discussions on other things, also sometimes
boring ones and also such flames which should be banned...
For me the Newt is still the best you can get if you intend to use it
seriously, as long as you can cope with its size and weight and as long as
you can miss some nice (but mostly useless) gizmos that other PDAs nowadays
Thats why and why I still think that this list is great, I will stay in this
list by tolerating all that useless discussions and flames just not
contributing and simply deleting them.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net
> [mailto:newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net]On Behalf Of Chris Lepine
> Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 1:31 AM
> To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Subject: [NTLK] Unsubscribing
> I will be unsubscribing from this group after a relatively short time on
> the list.
> While I understand this is a community, the amount of time wasted in
> reading useless user-user flames becomes daunting after a while.
> I've come to quite a few realizations however:
> 1. The Newton is not very reliable if the amount of problems
> listed in here
> (and elsewhere) is used as a sample group. I've never seen a machine with
> so many hardware related failures. Nobody should have to "buy
> two" in case
> one fails. While I understand it is relatively archaic as far as hardware
> is concerned, even my old console systems from the early 80's
> still operate
> flawlessly.
> 2. For every 20 useful and informative discussions, there are an equal
> number of useless flames nitpicking each other for ridiculous reasons.
> 3. I probably will never buy a MP2x from GEM Enterprises. While I respect
> the fact that GEM takes pride in selling their products, the seller
> obviously has no interest in customer service when she gets into petty
> debates with Ntalk users. Why shoot yourself in the foot? Don't
> you operate
> a business that caters to a small, yet highly (clannish) concentrated
> market, where word-of-mouth will largely decide your fate?
> 4. Those users who generate that kind of junk mail I just referred to are
> equally at fault. Are you so bored?
> 5. Re: the 20 useful and informative discussions, THANK YOU to those who
> generated such discourse! The information you've provided has definitely
> given me the information I needed regarding purchasing a Newton.
> Apologies to those who disagree with me, but I believe my words
> are largely
> factual and minimally opinionated.
> Loyal unsubscriber,
> - Chris
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