Re: [NTLK] Newton Future: what could be done IMO

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 16:07:30 EST

À (At) 15:19 -0500 4/12/02, Sunder écrivait (wrote) :
>Don't worry about porting to this or that platform, that can come
>later. Making an emulator that requires Newton ROMs will only get Apple
>pissed. Sure, Basillisk does this, but if you want it to be totally
>unhindered, this is the cleanest way to go.

Not sure. Apple can sue you for copying the concepts as well. I don't
know if they have any patent on Newton technology, but they probably

Plus for the moment, the project could emerge from current Newton
users who all have a legal license on the OS. And there are dead MP
corpses around.

I think that the GNUTon way is much more work. If you don't copy any
bit of software from Apple, you need to rewrite all the NewtonScript
part. Check the programming manuals. It's a huge work. I also doubt
that programs with native code could ever work because NewtonScript
is just the top of the iceberg.

But maybe I just have a special knowledge of the NewtonOS and
therefore a biased point of view and you're right after all. I've
never tried GNUTon but the screen shots are impressive. They don't
look like NewtonOS, though.

Nevertheless, I'll never say that anything isn't doable. If you don't
have any hardware constraint, it's always a matter of time and work.



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