Hi all,
I just got a message from some guy on another mailing list (the database=20
system I use to make a living) on the topic of supporting it and he's=20
bragging about what he does with his Sony Clie and PalmOS 4.1. Me and my=20
little green friend have Telnet (pt100) which in this day and age is not =
useful, since everybody is protecting their servers and only let SSH=20
connection through. This guy bragging how good his little machine is doin=
it's job drives me nuts. I know I will never buy a Palm (I really don't l=
them at all), but I have looked at PocketPCs, specially since my company =
developed an interface (written in C and Java) to make that talk to our=20
server databases through a wireless TCP/IP connection.
Is there anybody out there, developing an SSH client for the Newton or=20
something in that direction?
Best regards,
Network Grunt and Bit Pusher extraordinaire
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