À (At) 14:05 -0800 26/12/02, Newtvana écrivait (wrote) :
>I would be another option for people who are having troubles getting
>'bootstrapped' as well. This could be a great way for getting NIE and
>Ethernet drivers onto a Newton for people who are un-serial-ized.
>I guess the key would be to get the phone number that's built-in changed
using nothing but the default install.
The problem is that you'll need to change the phone number which you
cannot do without a package on the Newton, so it won't solve the
bootstrapping problem.
Indeed, you cannot execute any piece of NewtonScript code on the
Newton without having installed any software first.
However, Dock application here has a Modem option where you can
choose the phone number. This works without any program on the Newton
and just a compatible Modem that doesn't need a script to work.
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