Yes gang, it is a stand for my 2100 and for all of you who guessed *ASH* as
the type of wood, Congratulations! That is correct.
For the rest of you who submitted the totally entertaining answers spoofing
what it could be used for; my sides ache! Thank you! That made it more fun
than I had hoped. Some of you are pretty darned creative... others of you
are simply warped!
Some of you asked how the logo was done. It is not magic marker or some kind
of transfer. It is actually burned into the wood with the heated tip of a
simple tool that looks like a soldering iron. I use a special tip screwed in
for the specific purpose of burning designs or writing on wood.
I'll remember the link this time. Here's another shot of my newt in it's
new stand at my desk (pardon the other clutter).
Happy new year everyone!
-- David Busey Beaverton, ORwhile (live_horse) beat(); ---------- From: David Busey <> Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 00:42:06 -0800 To: <> Subject: FW: OK, it's cute but, what is it?
Whoops! Forgot the link...
HATE it when I do that.
---------- From: David Busey <> Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 00:30:03 -0800 To: <> Subject: OK, it's cute but, what is it?
Hello all,
Just couldn't wait for the polyurethane to dry before sharing this with you. Yes it's simple but I'm a really a beginning woodworker. This is made from scrap that I'd been turning out some Christmas gifts with in recent weeks. This was fun cuz it's just for me.
For now, I'll leave it to you, (the listers) to solve the puzzle of what it is? (Extra points if you can name what kind of tree this wood comes from.) Send your guesses to the list with an explanation of your answer.
I'll reveal what I'll use it for in the next day or so. ;-)
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