Re: [NTLK] $150 Newts for Europe

From: Christian Matzerath (
Date: Fri Feb 01 2002 - 12:05:34 EST

On February 02 2002, G=E9rard Evrard <> wrote:

>I am interested in 3 of these beasts. Are you still in the business ?
>I emailed to Ralf Neerfeld to join their group (in relationship with
>you), but to no avail.
>If you're ready to devote some time and efforts to this, I'd be happy to
>send you a cheque (I use eBay a lot with PayPal, so if you're connected
>to this it would be even simpler). I'm willing to cover the machines
>expense plus shipping (both ways), taxes, and something for your work
>(or if you want something from France ?).

Um... trois croissants et deux baguettes, sil vous plaits ;-)


>Thank you,
> G.E.
>> Hello Newtoners,
>> If anyone outside of the US is interested in these Newtons, please
>> let me know. I will arrange shipping outside the US. Apparently we
>> have to buy in blocks of 10 now. I have 3 units spoken for.. Are
>> there 7 more people interested? US buyers accepted as well.
>> Please contact me privately.. Not on the list!
>> Thank you,
>> Bill
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