Bill Gates could have feared the Newton as a product that would take
off eventually-- after all (he said, in a Micro$oft baiting way),
Micro$oft is great at copying innovation. (:
Of course (he said in an Apple mashing tone), Apple was its own worst
enemy when it came to the Newton-- little advertising, and the only
place you saw the [Newton in a clamshell with a keyboard] was in the
educational market.
And, rumour has it that the amount of money that Bill Gates invested
seems like a lot, but all the rumours I've heard mention that Apple
had a big chunk of cash on hand even through that period. So
although $150 million ain't hay, it wasn't as if Apple was starving.
--Paul E Musselman
>Daves Newton ( wrote (in part):
> > Anyway, I heard a rumour that it wasn't a lone gunman (SJ) that killed
>> the Newt, apparently, Big Billy Gates had his dirty paws all over it
>> too!!! Rumour has it that he injected a *whole*
>> lotta cash into Apple (which we know as fact) and one of his bargaining
>> chips was to kill the Newton, so that Win CE could take over that market
>> space (which is conjecture). Does
>> anyone else have any extra info on this? Or am I plainly wrong?
>Michael J. Hussmann replied: I'm pretty much sure you are wrong. I
>would be surprised if Bill Gates
>even spent a thought on the Newton when he bought that 150 million $$
>worth of Apple shares. Frankly, the Newton's market share at that time
>wasn't worth bothering with.
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