Re: [NTLK] Modem Problem... Help!

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Sun Feb 03 2002 - 23:21:39 EST

I've noticed a similar problem with my dLink 660
dongle. When serious browsing is done with this card
and dongle, the dongle gets quite warm. Now that I'm
serving webpages on my backup Newt using this card and
dongle, I usually drape the dongle over the display
and have the cable running to the switch. I have found
that the heat from the dongle causes the area directly
beneath the dongle to be darker. A little scarey when
I first noticed it. But relocating the dongle to the
side remedied the situation.
web/gadget guru
come see my newt on the web (at least for this

--- Paul Nuernberger <> wrote:
> Modem cards generate good amounts of heat and seem
> to throw off the contrast
> of the screen in the MP2k's when used in the top
> slot.
> In general yes, all comm cards should be used from
> the bottom slot.
> Paul Nuernberger

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