Ahh, in the era of acronyms it's easy to get lost.
RSV: Revised Standard Version
KJV: King James Version
NIV: New International Version
Various translations of the Bible. The software (no longer supported I'm
afraid) is found at this URL <http://www.thefedors.com/themessage/> but the NIV
is no longer available through them due to licensing hassles.
Don't really agree with their declaration of the Newton as "defunct" though.
Frank_Gruendel_at_t-online.de (Frank Gruendel) on 02/06/2002 03:16:31 PM
Please respond to newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
cc: (bcc: Randy Minton/CommScope)
Subject: [NTLK] Re - The Message NIV version
> I have The Message with both KJV and RSV versions loaded. Unfortunately
the NIV
> is no longer offered.
Pardon? I think that was obvious...
I am afraid I have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry...
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