Re: [NTLK] Just need a rant...

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 01:15:19 EST

With all the accessories and add-ons(EZ2TV, email, Nethop. 4.0, etc.) I
never needed a 'bread-and-butter' powerbook. My Newts. were/are/will be
I now(year2001) need a portable for the newer stuff, hence the Sony VAIO
and Qbe. But that iBook looks like a good my Newts. :-D

>highest margin product. In fact, the eMate and MP 2100 were already
>taking away PowerBook sales, I have no doubt. In addition to that, the
>Newton engineers would also have needed to go to any purchasing company,
>and Apple needed them for other projects (i.e. iBook).

!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!

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