In a previous message, Mark Rollins typed vigorously:
>>If this were the case, then Apple would have removed all mention and
>>attribution of "Newton", "NewtonMail", "NewtonSource", "StarCore", and
>>"Light bulb logo" from their official trademarks listing long ago:
>No, I was referring to defending or enforcing trademarks - Apple hasn't
>pursued sites that list MacinTalk Newt, NCU or other pieces of software.
Ok, I see where you were going with this. Perhaps it is because in
Apple's eyes those other sites are positively supporting the brand and
trademark by being related to Newton in the first place. Axcess is
diluting the trademark by using it for an enterprise that is definitely
_not_ Newton related. This is me grasping at the possibility that someone
at Apple (even in the legal department) actually cares about the Newton
brand and the small bit of consumer awareness it represents for Apple.
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