Brag, Brag, Brag. But your the Gadget Guru!
In Real Life, The other day, I was at a Indian Guides Meeting
with my son. I preface this story by saying I am known as the "Mac
Guy".....Well the host of the meeting is ALL excited about showing the
kids at the meeting this "cool" new Mpeg of the "mad cow" ........old
news, I know. Well, He starts up Windowsmediaplayerorwhatever on his
I did not say a word.
Ed Kummel wrote:
> I do that on my Windows 98 machine all the time.
> Burning a CD, listening to an MP3, transfering a file
> to my server via Net Bios, downloading other MP3s from
> the internet and running Adobe Photoshop editing a
> 25mb image. As a matter of fact, I do this so often, I
> don't even think of it. (Intel Celeron 500, 384mb RAM)
> Ed
> web/gadget guru
> (download Newton packages)
> (my NPDS server)
> --- "Donald J. Ryan" <> wrote:
> > The other day I was burning a CD while downloading a
> > 15M file and updating
> > my Newton via Classic with 6 other apps running in
> > the background. I didn't
> > realize it until I sat back and looked and was
> > amazed....try doing that with
> > OS 9...try doing it with Windows...OS X rocks!
> =====
> Just because you're a genius, doesn't make you a smart guy!
> - The Powerpuff Girls -
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