Re: [NTLK] Bible on Newt [was NIV]

From: Gary Moody (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 13:53:34 EST

The Christian Bible (all original writings of such and any interpretations
(KJV) made prior to the advent of copyright laws *and* were never
copyrighted), and those interpretations older than (IIRC) 27 years (the
standard protection period of copyright) that have *not* been renewed to
current (RSV) can be used freely, ie are legally in the public domain.

However, interpretations of the Bible that have current copyright protection
(either original or renewed) cannot. The NIV interpretation falls into this
latter class.

So, while the original Bible itself cannot be owned or copyrighted, the
author's interpretation of the original work can, even though derivative.



-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Thomas Cherry
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Bible on Newt [was NIV]

Yes, but to some people this thing we talk about is not just a thing, it is
the thing. To many people, you can not own the bible. The question I have
is can anyone own the bible, regardless of who translates it.

on 2/11/02 1:23 PM, Stainless Steel Rat at wrote:

> Yes. If I have a thing and I make a copy of it and give that copy to you
> then I am distributing copies of that thing. If I distribute copies of
> that thing without permission then it is in violation of copyright.
> Whether or not you have a legitimate copy of that thing is irrelevant.

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