Re: [NTLK] Charter/Manifesto of NewtonTalk

From: bob barkany (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 13:57:10 EST

Isn't it nice today, not too many posts and all more or less to do with

I for one am just glad that I didn=B9t touch my mail at home where I only hav=
dial up. It was infuriating to see so much whatever you want to call it fro=
so many people resulting from what was I thought an attractive piece of wor=
without beginning another war about the statistics or the message.

Perhaps I am a little shallow, but with my newton hat on, which I always pu=
on my head when downloading newtontalk mail, I was struck first of all by
the statistic that if I remember correctly, only 8 out of the 100 people
will have access to a computer. When I thought about this, I realised that
more than likely, not one of them would be using a mac and definitely not
one of them would know what is Newton. -That is sad and what should concer=
us on a newton list.

For political history and nationalist rhetoric, we can go elsewhere.

I am not in favour of censorship. Iam in favour of people thinking whether
what they post to a list primarily about newtons is pertinent to newtons,
mac/windows/linux, operating systems etc sorry if I left anyones favorite
out, IT in general etc.
That=B9s enough now, shut up bob
-- Bob Barkany, Photographer
   tel +44 (0) 7973 666 243

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