While I dislike the need to impose rules and so forth, this wasn't the first
such 'outburst'.
No rule set will prevent undesirable activity. It will however give the
group as a whole a set, codified, plan of response to such undesirable
behavior (dare we term that punishment ?).
Even the most basic group, a family for instance, has basic rules it
operates under. Members have some idea of what is expected of them in
advance. Most often these rules are not in written form, but are created as
the need arises and passed orally. Highly flexible and adaptable to the
needs of current situations, but very unwieldy for large groups.
I cannot think of a single large group (1000+ members) that does not have
some codified set of expectations of and for its membership. The advantage
of written rules/expectations is the lack of excuse for not operating within
the bounds set.
We do not need anything grandiose. A simple set of 'doing this will get you
this' type statements should suffice - i.e. Verbal abuse of another member
by profanity or racial/ethnic slur gets you tossed for 30 days, repeat
offense is a permanent ban.
I purposely built some tolerance into that statement. Others may feel it
needs to be stronger.
Paul Nuernberger
> From: Michael Bain <UIDnt0102_at_macboy.homeip.net>
> * Robert Benschop <rbenschop_at_mac.com> [12 Feb 2002 00:47]:
>> on 12-02-2002 7:36, Michael Bain at UIDnt0102_at_macboy.homeip.net wrote:
>>> I think we all know the main purpose of this list, we all have a sense
>>> of general netiquette, and we all now know not to bring up politics ;-)
>>> Leave it at that.
>> On the other hand, you set some basic rules once and everything is clear for
>> everybody, and though I deleted most unread I really (as in really) don't
>> want a repetition of this kind of thread, made me sick to my stomach.
> The thing is, I don't think defining rules will prevent anything. The
> threads involved were already way beyond netiquette, or even normal
> conversational guides. Why would people willing to cross those lines
> stop at a list rule?
> I don't want these kinds of threads here, and I don't think we'll see
> one for a long while yet. If it becomes a chronic issue then a charter
> may have to be drawn up, but until then I'd say let an isolated incident
> die.
> Mike
> --
> Michael Bain | One day I want to look through three hundred
> mike_at_macboy.homeip.net | thousand kilometres of space and say:
> | "My isn't there a beautiful Earth out tonight!"
> --
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