Re: [NTLK] How to reset the Last Name Field in Names?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2002 - 21:39:14 EST

on 12/02/02 20:14, Luiz Petroni at wrote:

> Can you point to a site where I can download it.
> I researched on unna but did not find anything on 'forgetme'.

When that happens, do a search in Google. I've tried "newton forgetme", and
got a few links. One of them was a link to an archived NewtonTalk message
that lists a few options for applications that will do what you're looking
for. The message is at:

Unfortunately, it seems that ForgetMe has disappeared. Unless somebody has a
copy, you'll have to find an alternative.


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

casting the runes n.: What a guru does when you ask him or her to run a particular program and type at it because it never works for anyone else; esp. used when nobody can ever see what the guru is doing different from what J. Random Luser does. Compare incantation, runes, examining the entrails; also see the AI koan about Tom Knight in "Some AI Koans" (Appendix A).

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