Re: [NTLK] Dashboard Macintalk Script

From: David Abramowitz (
Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 16:58:33 EST


How are you entering the script? The easiest way is to choose Dashboard
Prefs, then click on the Scripts tab, then choose New Script, and use the
mini-keyboard to enter it, or paste it in there. Then hit Test it. If you
didn't enter the script by hand, you may be getting some garbage characters
in there. Try entering the script by hand using the mini-keyboard.

- Dave

On 2/13/02 4:22 PM, "peter fraser" <> wrote:

> well, i tried this variant as well, with the same
> result - dashboard says it can't compile it.
> i guess i need a dashboard tutorial. would anyone
> care to give me a kindergarten-level step by step
> guide on how to make this work?
> sorry to be such a doofus.
> --- Stephanie Maks <> wrote:
>> I made some changes to the script before I used
>> it... it was the PlaySound
>> command that I couldn't remember. Anyhow here's the
>> script I successfully
>> used:
>> // use fred or ralf or gnws or zarv etc.
>> // to select which voice to speak in
>> local t := GetHilitedTextItem();
>> local vox := "[[svox kath]]"; // changes voice to
>> Kathy
>> if not(t=nil) then begin
>> foreach item in t do
>> PlaySound(vox&item);
>> end;
>> -Stephanie
>>> ok, so i've got Dashboard, but have never messed
>> with
>>> scripting. i typed in the text exactly as shown,
>> with
>>> the capitalizations fixed and with a semicolon
>> after
>>> each line - and get an error. what am i doing
>> wrong?
>> --
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