Re: [NTLK] newton sales figures

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 14:09:08 EST

at the temporal coordinates: 2/14/02 1:52 PM, the entity known as Ed Kummel
at conveyed the following:

> 3G is nothing but a loss-leader in the
> cellphone industry.

I've seen this "3G" thing mentioned on the list a few times but I've never
heard of it anywhere else. What is it? I assume its some sort of enhanced
cellphone service. But why would anyone worry about implementing that when
there's still so many places where one can't get signal for an ordinary cell
phone. (Like my house, just 10 miles or so from the Washington Beltway,
less than 5 miles from I-95, but I can't get any signal at all at my house.
You'd think that of all the places in the US, you'd be able to get signal
anywhere w/in 30 miles or so of the Capitol, but nooooo....)

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

===================================================================== If aviation had grown as slowly as space travel, the first paying customer would have flown in 1943 -- in the 1,657th expendable Wright Flyer. =====================================================================

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