It seems to play the test.mp3 file no problem. Only when I hit the "stop" button
does it return the error. I tried a reset, it didn't help. I reinstalled the
packages and now it works. I think it was the NhttpLib package that got fried the
first time. I have an ethernet connection and I am on cable behind a linksys
router using DHCP. The stream is a bit choppy but cool none the less. Wish I spoke
German! ;-)
I think I was trying to connect to a 128Kbit stream. That may be what corrupted
the NhttpLib.... ohoh. I think my Newt just locked up while listening to the
stream ... yup.
I got it running again though. I will install bugtrap and send you info if I can
recreate the error condition. Thanks for the response! And a big thank you for
creating this great software!
I think the Newton could kick the Energizer Bunny's furry Ass!
Eckhart Koeppen wrote:
> Rui Curveira wrote:
> > I installed an ran MadMax beautifully at first. I tried to use the streaming
> > audio feature, and at first it pulled up the connection slip and tried to
> > make the connection. It did not successfully connect, but now for whatever
> > reason when I hit play it does nothing, if I hit stop I get "sorry, a problem
> > has occurred (-48809)".
> > Any ideas?
> Does this happen now only for streaming playback or for any song you
> want to play? I suspect something went wrong at the networking level...
> If you do have the time, please try again after installing Bugtrap, a
> really useful app that gives developers more details about errors like this:
> It catches the error and saves the information in a Note which you could
> send me...
> It is also safe to remove and reinstall all packages (MAD Max, MAD
> Newton and NHttpLib), the downloaded audio files and streams will not be
> erased (they are stored in a Soup called "Audio"). A reset won't hurt
> either. It's a Newton, after all ;)
> Eckhart
> PS: The streaming feature is really dependant on a good networking
> connection. I'll put more info on this on the web site later...
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