Re: [NTLK] Re - Power adapter and Sharp Expert Pad

From: Andrew Cunningham (
Date: Sat Feb 16 2002 - 17:01:30 EST

Mr. Gruendel:

Success is mine! I did a bit more reading on the expert pad and Newton power
adapters in general, and discovered that the milliamps on my 6v adapter were
way too low (300). Went back to the RadioShack and exchanged for an 800 mA
adapter, and the unit powered right up! Yippee! Here's the adpater I bought:

To answer your question, the unit did work with the battery pack initially,
so I knew all hope was not lost. Thank you for the link to the MP100
manual... I will take a look, although I doubt that ot is the same device. I
have mostly seen Japanese language pages for the Sharp expert pad, or
PI-7000, whatever you want to call it. Sharp USA no longer supports it (the
tech support couldn't find it in their database), even though the PI-7000
series sold 1,000,000 units in Japan!

As far as the adapta-plug, of which you said:

"The Newton plug is a special one that no generic adapter I've ever seen
has. It looks exactly like those on the adapter, but is in fact just a weeny
bit different."

Here's a link to the product that I purchased, which DOES seem to fit

Sorry for the confusion with the watts/volts nomenclature... all of this
stuff is Greek to me. I'm just psyched that I got it all to work! Now to see
if I can upgrade to Newton OS 2.0...

Thank you for your advice,

Andy Cunningham

> From: (Frank Gruendel)
> Reply-To: "Frank Gruendel" <>
> Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 21:35:08 +0100
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re - Power adapter and Sharp Expert Pad
>> I have a Sharp Expert Pad that I inherited a while back, and I'm having a
>> heck of a time getting it to work with a DC power adapter of any kind.
> Does it work with the battery?
>> ordered a 7 volt Newton adapter and it will not power up the unit. I don't
>> have manuals or documentation for the Expert Pad,
> If this is the thing that looks like an OMP / MP100, you can download a
> 42 MegaByte service manual in pdf format from
>> So, I went to RadioShack
>> and bought a generic 6v adapter and a plug adapter so that it would fit
>> into the newton.
> Whenever you plan to power such a device from a generic adapter, make
> sure it doesn't supply a higher voltage than what it claims. This is done by
> measuring the voltage while the adapter isn't powering anything. Cheap
> unregulated
> adapters can supply more than 50% more than they are labeled with.
>> Plug fit great, but unit would not power on.
> Actually, I doubt that. The Newton plug is a special one that no generic
> adapter
> I've ever seen has. It looks exactly like those on the adapter, but is in
> fact just
> a weeny bit different. It can happen that the plug appears to fit great and
> still doesn't make contact.
>> Changed polarity on the plug from positive to negative, still no luck.
>> Hopefully I did not damage the unit through all of these failed
> attempts...
>> but I am at my wits end here.
> Tell us if it works with a battery. We can take it up from there.
>> I suppose I could try a 9 volt newton adapter...
> No, you can't. There isn't a 9 volt Newton adapter. You could easily
> kill it that way. There is a 9 watt Newton adapter that supplies 7.5 volts.
> Good luck
> Frank
> Newton hardware and software at

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