Re: [NTLK] broken newton?

From: doppler (
Date: Sun Feb 17 2002 - 09:01:54 EST

Ed Kummel [] wrote the following 2002-02-17 04.27:

> It looks like you're going to have to go in...
> More than likely, the ROM came out of the socket (this
> happens when the device is jarred abruptly (yeah, like
> since when is a "jar" not abrupt?)
> It's simple enough to "pop" it back in it's socket. To
> see what I'm talking about, visit my page that shows
> this in the image:

i discovered yesterday, when trying all imaginable reset techniques, that
there is a slight chance this unit is still not dead. i discovered that a
small sound is coming from the speaker at exactly the same time as when a
start-up chime is scheduled. actually, you can hear the same "sssss"-ing
sound coming from any newton in a completely quiet room .

if you reset your newton and hold the speaker to your ear, you will hear the
sound for about two seconds, before it disappears. (make sure to turn off
the sound before you reset the newton.) after that, the system loads as
usual, but unfortunately not on this unit :(

after resetting, the screen is still dead, so theres nothing i can do
besides from trying to follow your advice. (it sounds like you might have a
point there, ed.)

BTW: is the ROM board "in the middle-right-bottom" the chip that looks like
detachable RAM on a regular computer? (it seems so)

BTW nr 2: i thought about performing a memory upgrade at the same time, is
this the best instruction page?

thanks for all help!

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