[NTLK] Re-Painting a Newton

From: Steven Frank (stevenf_at_panic.com)
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 20:11:36 EST

Hi all,

I just picked up a MP120 off eBay for a pretty good price. (My regular
Newton is an MP2000)

Since I have this "spare" Newt now, I was thinking it might be fun to
re-paint the case, maybe some sort of metallic silver or red.

Has anyone done this? Does it look good? Bad? Any suggestions on how
to go about it? Should I strip the existing paint first? Do I need to
prime it? etc, etc...

I searched the archives, and found a brief discussion of a blue Newton a
while back, but couldn't find any further information or photos.

Thanks in advance,


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