Re: [NTLK] Connecting Newton to OSX

Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 08:50:48 EST

> on 19-02-2002 3:31, at wrote:
> > For getting files onto the newton, you can also use UnixNPI, which I've
> > been very pleased with.
> Could you elaborate on this, like will it just install under OS X or is
> there something special that one should do ?
> Which packages does one need, is Ethernet connection supported ?

This is a note I sent to another inquiring soul about just such stuff.


Sure thing.

> How did you get UnixMPI to compile ?

First, you'll need the Developer Tools installed ( Project Builder, Interface Builder, cc, etc ) - if you look in the Finder in the root level of your hard drive and see a folder named "Developer", you're all set.

The source for UnixNPI is now on sourceforge at <URL:>. Once you have the source tarball downloaded and unarchived ( Stuffit Expander does a pretty nice job ), fire up the ol' Terminal and cd into that directory.

Inside, you'll see:

(zbir_at_gibbon ~/unixnpi-1.1.3) $ ls CHANGELOG Makefile Ser230400.pkg newtmnp.c unixnpi.c COPYING README Ser57600.pkg newtmnp.h unixnpi.rc INSTALL Ser115200.pkg fastserial.nwt template

Just run the following command:

(zbir_at_gibbon ~/unixnpi-1.1.3) $ cc -o unixnpi unixnpi.c (zbir_at_gibbon ~/unixnpi-1.1.3) $ mv unixnpi /where/it/lives/bin/ (zbir_at_gibbon ~/unixnpi-1.1.3) $ cp unixnpi.rc ~/.unixnpi.rc

I've added /Users/zbir/bin to my PATH environment variable, so I moved the executable file there. You might also try /usr/local/bin if that exists on your system. The unixnpi.rc file is the configuration file. You probably needn't edit it, as you'll be creating some symlinks in /dev for the newton.

I've got the Keyspan Twin Serial USB adapter, so when it's plugged in, I have two extra entries in /dev: tty.KeyUSA28X181.1 and tty.KeyUSA28x181.2 ( when it's plugged into the first USB slot ). To make the symlink, just run the following command:

(zbir_at_gibbon ~) $ sudo ln -s /dev/tty.KeyUSA28X181.1 /dev/newton

Of course, if you're using a different adapter, it may show up as a different /dev/ device. Change the above command appropriately.

Now with that all done, you can install packages from the Terminal when the newt is connected over serial.

(zbir_at_gibbon ~) $ unixnpi foobar.pkg

At this point, you'll want Dock running on the Newt, and press connect after you run the above command.

Ta da!


Let me know if you have any problems.

Zachery Bir <> <URL:>

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