Re: [NTLK] more megahertz trouble

From: Chris Chapman (
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 00:57:00 EST

On 2/20/02 8:25 PM, "Alex" <> wrote:

>>> Ok. I tried first setting the modem prefs to "use left pc card" (I
>>> assume that's the 'lower' slot). No luck. Then, I downloaded the
>>> megahertz driver from the url posted onlist (thanks!). Installed it,
>>> and set modem prefs to use 'XJ2144'. Again, no luck.
>>> I'm stumped. The connection slip goes as far as "loading the PPP
>>> driver" and then fails, with an error '-16022'
>> You didn't pick the right slot, as another reader pointed out. IIRC, tha=
>> the reason why you're getting the -16022 exception, as, IIRC, means miss=
>> resources, or something like that, namely, it's missing your modem!
>> -Laurent.
> no, I tried both slots, one after the other, then when that didnt
> work, i reset the modem prefs, then re-tried both slots, etc...
> so bAsically, I tried all the options available....
> Still can't get the modem to work
> (it's not a pcmcia slot prob, bc the mem card works in both slots)
> if anyone has any further advice, it'd be appreciated.
Uhm, AFAIK, your internet setup has to indicate which slot the modem is in.
Just having the modem prefs setup doesn=B9t do it. Re-check your internet
setup to make sure you've picked the right slot.


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