Re: [NTLK] ATA @ SmartMedia

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 03:44:33 EST

> First, I removed all the 3Com drivers as they have been believed to
>cause problems.

Sorry to bother you again, but is it worse with the drivers installed?

> Next, installed ATA driver 1.0b12 on the internal store of my MP2100.
> Put 8MB SmartMedia card in Olympus PCMCIA adapter and put in Newt.
> Card slip showed up.
> Tried to create 1 Newton partition.
> Got an error (I believe it was 321) and the card ceased to be
> Put in another SM card ... got an error -10059 telling me there was
>something wrong with the card. Did a restart and inserted card again. This
>time I got error -10580.

All that is a known fixed bug (in -current). Your card will hopefully
work with RC1.


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