Re: [NTLK] How do I connect my newton 130 using IRDA to my Powerbook G3?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 15:58:13 EST

On 22/02/02 15:44, "Josh Shanks" <> wrote:

> on 2/22/02 3:36 PM, Laurent Daudelin at
> wrote:
>> On 22/02/02 15:29, "Josh Shanks" <> wrote:
>>> Ok I downloaded the connection software and installed it and I set it to
>>> connect using IRDA but for some reason I cannot pick irda on my newton. All
>>> I see is serial, modem, apple talk, network. I am using version 2.0 on my
>>> newton. Please help and also you can email me at
>> That's because your 130 doesn't implement IrDA, but a different IR protocol
>> by Sharp known as ASK.
>> -Laurent.
> So is there any way to connect to my Irda port? Or should I get a cable?
> Also I have a windows serial cable. Can I get an apadpter to go from serial
> to usb?

There is no way you can use your IrDA port. Serial is the only way. If you
have only USB on your Windows box, I imagine you would need an adapter, but
I don't know anything about USB-to-Serial adapters on Windows.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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bozotic /boh-zoh'tik/ or /boh-zo'tik/ adj.: [from the name of a TV clown
even more losing than Ronald McDonald] Resembling or having the quality of a
bozo; that is, clownish, ludicrously wrong, unintentionally humorous.
Compare wonky, demented. Note that the noun `bozo' occurs in slang, but the
mainstream adjectival form would be `bozo-like' or (in New England)

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