=09Some apps. need a lot of heap. Freeze what you can.
=09Also make sure you have enough storage space.
=09Try using internal storage instead of card to cache.
=09Some websites don't do too well with NetHop.3.2 or even Newtscape2.1e. =
The sites have too much stuff to render.
=09Try a different access number. My ISP has six dial-up numbers in my =
=09Try a faster modem and/or string.
=09I use NetHop.3.2 for simple sites. Newtscape2.1e for complex sites =
that want 'cookies'.
=2E..btw, it helps to have an accelerated Newt. :-o
>I've been toying with NetHopper 3 on my 2100, but it seems to take 3
>minutes+ searching/connecting to google, w/o downloading anything.
!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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