Modem/Printer is the Serial port, so you have it plugged in to the right
place. Make sure Newton Connection and the Newton are set to connect
over serial... that's about all I can think of. If it still isn't
working, maybe someone else will have an idea.
On Saturday, February 23, 2002, at 02:35 PM, Josh Shanks wrote:
> on 2/23/02 2:26 PM, Stephen Jendraszak at wrote:
>> The Newton Connection cable is not an ADB cable... it is a Mac serial
>> cable.
>> sj
>>> I took the serial cable and plugged
>>> it into the side of my newton and I plugged it into my powerbook g3
>>> 233
>>> with
>>> abd ports...
> I was able to plug it into the modem/printer port. So what should I do?
> josh
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