Umm... Which newton do you have ? The connection kit is for older Newtons
(i.e. OMP, 100, 110, and 120 with NOS 1.3). If you are trying to use it
with a 130, 2k series, or 120 with NOS2.0 it will not work. For those you
need NCU (Newton Connection Utility) which can be found here:
ties/NCU1.0Installer.sit >
Paul Nuernberger
> From: Stephen Jendraszak <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 16:07:59 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newbie needs help connecting his newton 130
> Modem/Printer is the Serial port, so you have it plugged in to the right
> place. Make sure Newton Connection and the Newton are set to connect
> over serial... that's about all I can think of. If it still isn't
> working, maybe someone else will have an idea.
> sj
> On Saturday, February 23, 2002, at 02:35 PM, Josh Shanks wrote:
>> on 2/23/02 2:26 PM, Stephen Jendraszak at wrote:
>>> The Newton Connection cable is not an ADB cable... it is a Mac serial
>>> cable.
>>> sj
>>>> I took the serial cable and plugged
>>>> it into the side of my newton and I plugged it into my powerbook g3
>>>> 233
>>>> with
>>>> abd ports...
>> I was able to plug it into the modem/printer port. So what should I do?
>> josh
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