Re: [NTLK] Help I am a Ghost.!!!

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 11:05:04 EST

Never used Eudora, but Simple Mail is easy and just
about the standard as far as Newt email applications
are concerned. (from the "about"
button on my installed version)
The trick with Yahoo is that you have to tell Yahoo
that you wish to use the SMTP and POP capabilities.
Your account needs to be configured with it. Then you
just enter in Yahoo's email servers and you're done.
Never had a problem with this connection. The only
difficulty I had was that my Yahoo account is always
so full of mail, my Newt would fill up fast!
web/gadget guru

--- MuHammed Lonon <> wrote:
> Hello to all,
> Does anyone use Yahoo! and is able to send as well
> as
> recieve messages directly from the Newton. What
> client
> are you using? If anyone is using Eudora Pro v1.1
> can
> you tell me how you did it? Also, what is the best
> e-mail client for Newton?? By best I mean the most
> advance. I am partial to Eudora Pro because it is
> the
> only one that I have actually gotten to WORK bu,
> alas
> I have had one too many messages truncated due to
> E-Por's inablity to handle MIME.
> For the past 2 weeks the camus has been close so my
> only acces to the net and consequently this list has
> ben only my Newt. Yahoo! has rejected all atempts
> from me sto send a meesage through it, and Listar
> won't let register my school e-mail account.
> Any help will be gladly appreciated.
> =====
> MuHammed Jamal Lonon
> 390 Manville Saint Charles Road Bishopville, SC
> 29010
> (803) 428-6757 (perm.)
> (alt.)

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