Re: [NTLK] Off topic messages (short)

From: Cees witsen (
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 04:01:29 EST

>Dear Jesse and other offended members

Yes I thought about that too and I apologize for my rudeness however
I felt that doing it this way it may in fact create more exposure
thus ensuring everyone gets the message also I'm not that bright but
assumed this list actually exists because of the Newton, and probably
erroneously thought my fellow members would like to know about this
opportunity, and whilst I may be partially to blame, all the members
had the choice to email me off list.

Cees Witsen

>This is a great list, and is invaluable for active Newton users. Thanks to
>contributors for making it such a useful resource.
>I think we've all learned to expect and tolerate a certain volume of
>off-topic list mail. No problem.
>But somewhere around the 35th "me too" message for the $180 Newtons, it
>occurred to me that the original message should have solicited replies --
>and had them sent -- off-list. Simple points of etiquette like that aren't
>too much to ask... are they?
>Thanks again for making this such an informative and interesting list!
>Jesse Garnier
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