Re: [NTLK] Cursive Handwriting Recognition

Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 20:02:05 EST

On 1/6/02 5:15 PM, "Chris Searles" <> wrote:

>> n my opinion, the speed of the translation is what makes the 2x00
>> experience better than the 130
> Could you give a rough percentage for the speed difference, please?
> Chris Searles
That is hard to estimate, however if you set the 2x00's HW prefs to Fast and
Immediate, it will translate the word "Zepplin." nearly as fast as it takes
to lift the pen off the screen. However doing the same on a 130 will take
it about 2 seconds. Only under certain circumstances would this really make
a difference since a delay for recognition is actually engineered into the
system to make recognition of multiple words accurate. A place where this
type of delay makes data entry less enjoyable are in slips where you simply
wish the Newton would get the word translated today. But again, in some
cases this really isn't a problem unless you pause to see if the Newton got
the word right before going to the next line in the slip. It's the waiting
for a 1x0 Newton to get those entries translated after you filled them up
that can get irritating.

On a side note, the single most impressive thing for me when I moved up to
the 2x00 was not the HW speed, but the time it takes to search the soups and
open and close programs. Things I find myself waiting on more with a 130
during the course of a day than waiting for the text to translate.

I guess the most accurate way of describing the two is this. The 130 gets
the job done well. The 2x00 devices get it done just as well, but with less
waiting when you are done writing for the words to translate.

If you have the money for a 2x00 device, don't even bother with the 130.
However if the 2x00 is still to pricey for you, a 130 is still a great
machine and worth the money you pay for them today. (worth more if you ask

Hope this helps.



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