Re: [NTLK] [OT] Antiques [Was: iWalk is a good thing]

From: BK (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 00:21:36 EST

Well spoken !

May I add that most of the "old and lame" stuff is far more reliable
than most of what is the latest cry today.


On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 11:27 , Grant [What Rumors] Hutchinson

> In a previous message, David Brown typed vigorously:
>> Yet 100 years from now, the devices introduced tomorrow will be just
>> like
>> current 100 year old antiques! Old and lame. Heck even a 128 Mac is
>> that
>> way now compared to the current ones.
> I would have to disagree that a 128k is old and lame when compared to
> current Macs (or any other "modern" operating system. I would argue that
> the original Mac user interface is cleaner, easier to use, and quite
> frankly, minimalistically elegant compared to many current GUIs
> including
> OS X. Antiquity and lameness are really relative to the perceived (and
> original) function of the device. A 128k with MacPaint and MacWrite is
> still one of the best examples of simple, user-centered, and streamlined
> usability in regards to what the device was meant to do. The Newton fits
> into this theme the same way. Compared to OS X, the Newton GUI is quaint
> and simplistic by comparison. But it is also very well suited for what
> it
> was intended to do.
> Maybe I'm rambling, but I really object to any out of vogue technology
> being referred to as "old and lame". That's just bowing out to the
> overactive hype of the corporate marketing machine, the whole concept of
> the throw-away society, and the instant consumer-based economy.
> So there.
> g.
> ......................................................................
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