Re: [NTLK] [OT] Bigger than iWalk

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 14:05:12 EST

on 07-01-2002 6:01, BK at wrote:

> 5 - I have had almost no trouble on any Mac after OSX 10.1 exception: IE
> sometimes disappears when left open for days and sometimes it starts looping.

Well, there's something that seems no to get mentioned here, MS will always
try to get it their way with their standards (remember the raping of Java ?)
and deliberately screw things around, so though IE is a very nice browser it
will crash your machine every now and than, since my crashes are so rare and
IE is free I accept the trade-off, wouldn't dream of paying money for it

Robert Benschop

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