Re: [NTLK] USPS (was: $150 newt I need a US address, pls help)

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 11:08:08 EST

On 11/01/02 09:55, "Brian" <> wrote:

>> I have noticed some reluctance from Americans sellers to send USPS. is
>> there a reason for this?
> Lack of any tracking number? Best you can do is a return-receipt or
> certified, which still doesn't let anyone track, and which costs more $.
> Inconsistent delievery times (sometimes I get stuff from the West coast US
> to me (midwest) with one day travel time, sometimes, 3 weeks or more).
> Even "priority".

Doesn't USPS be able to provide tracking numbers for international
shipments? I haven't checked, but you can certainly require a delivery
confirmation when you send something within the US.

My experience with USPS has also been trouble-free. I've used their
"Priority" service quite a few times for packages and they always get to
their destination within 3 business days. I also used their "Express
Overnight" service and again, it was always delivered on time.

I cannot vouch the same for UPS, as others have pointed out...


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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