Re: [NTLK] notes 2 works 2 PC

From: Rhonda Hyslop (rhonda_at_paradox.null)
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 12:22:18 EST

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Brian wrote:

> You can export notes and sketches to ASCII, or to MS Word RTF (or regular
> RTF as well, which would be smaller if you have lots of ink text/sketches).
> Exporting an outline preserves the indentations.

wow, how do you get the sketches in ASCII?

> That said, I just tested xporting an outline with sketches _in_ the
> outline; and Xport would only let me send it out as ASCII; the sketch was
> lost (Xport would not provide me with the RTF export option). If you have
> a note with sketches it works fine, you preserve both. Or maybe there's a
> util that will convert from outline format to note format (and preserve the
> sketch)- I seem to recall something for at least NOS 1.3 for this. I just
> checked the printed manual and it doesn't say anything about this issue
> with outlines.

That's ok for me, I rarely use outlines for my notes.

> Xport came with my used 2100, you can still buy it from ICS (

cool, I'll go look it up.


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