Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> On 18/01/02 11:52, "" <> wrote:
>>>It could be that DateMan is leaking memory. That wouldn't be surprising,
>>>since the package is from StandAlone.
>>This is new to me. Any more detail?
> Which part is new? That DateMan could be leaking memory? I've never used it
> myself, so it is solely based on my previous experience with a few other
> packages from StandAlone that have been performing ... well, how could I put
> it... less than reliably ;-D And it's also based on the description of the
> problem. Looks really like a memory leak to me...
I've been using Dateman as a backdrop for quite a long time now and have
not observed any memory leaks or other strange behaviour... in fact, I
really like it, it has a nice UI, not too cluttered and pretty
customizable. But since it has to interact with the Dates app, it could
be that there is something in the Dates data (like a wierd Appointmet or
ToDo Task) Dateman can't handle. Just a thought...
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