Re: [NTLK] FW: Heap (of) Trouble

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Fri Jan 18 2002 - 14:26:23 EST

on 18-01-2002 7:04, Chris Chapman at wrote:

> Hmm, really? I've never had this problem until recently. Could it be anot=
> program that's leaking memory? Argh :). It just pi**es me off when I want=
> enter a to-do or appointment and the heap is so low that i can't write
> correctly. Hmm, I guess i'll try using AVIs backdrop and see what's going
> on...most of the stuff i use is SAS...oh god if it's all leaking
> memory...:P...

I would say to not panic yet, I've been using Backdrop Plus in conjunction
with DateMan for years now and never experienced a memory leak, so I would
say it doesn't have anything to do with those two apps (though it might be
the way one of these two interacts with another app, of course)
But maybe somebody with more knowledge about the bowels of the Newt will
chime in.

BTW, in defense of SAS, though they released a couple of apps that weren't
completely reliable (FreezeMan comes to mind) I use loads of their stuff or
have used it in the past without any problems.
Amonf them, and most reside on my Newt at the moment (!) AppMan, StartBar,
Extras Plus, ButtonBar Plus, Alarmed and Dangerous, Clipper, Freeze
Utilities, Graph Paper, Heap Saver, HWR Works, KeyMan,
Package Organizer, Person <-> Co., Prefs Cleaner, Route To Works, Super
NotePad and Works Better)

According to Paul Guyot I must be either a content idiot (my words !) or a
very lucky guy that has a Newt that has very few crashes.

Since I'm the latter in my own humble opinion ;-) I think that SAS did do
some thing quite right, so don=B9t empty your wallet just yet....

Robert Benschop

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