Yeah. I've been using DateMan and Backdrop for the past 3 years....must be a
package on there that I recently added. *This* is gonna be fun.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Benschop" <>
To: "NewtonTalk" <>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] FW: Heap (of) Trouble
> on 18-01-2002 7:04, Chris Chapman at wrote:
> > Hmm, really? I've never had this problem until recently. Could it be
> her
> > program that's leaking memory? Argh :). It just pi**es me off when I
> to
> > enter a to-do or appointment and the heap is so low that i can't write
> > correctly. Hmm, I guess i'll try using AVIs backdrop and see what's
> > on...most of the stuff i use is SAS...oh god if it's all leaking
> > memory...:P...
> I would say to not panic yet, I've been using Backdrop Plus in conjunction
> with DateMan for years now and never experienced a memory leak, so I would
> say it doesn't have anything to do with those two apps (though it might be
> the way one of these two interacts with another app, of course)
> But maybe somebody with more knowledge about the bowels of the Newt will
> chime in.
> BTW, in defense of SAS, though they released a couple of apps that weren't
> completely reliable (FreezeMan comes to mind) I use loads of their stuff
> have used it in the past without any problems.
> Amonf them, and most reside on my Newt at the moment (!) AppMan, StartBar,
> Extras Plus, ButtonBar Plus, Alarmed and Dangerous, Clipper, Freeze
> Utilities, Graph Paper, Heap Saver, HWR Works, KeyMan,
> Package Organizer, Person <-> Co., Prefs Cleaner, Route To Works, Super
> NotePad and Works Better)
> According to Paul Guyot I must be either a content idiot (my words !) or a
> very lucky guy that has a Newt that has very few crashes.
> Since I'm the latter in my own humble opinion ;-) I think that SAS did do
> some thing quite right, so don=B9t empty your wallet just yet....
> Robert Benschop
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