[NTLK] Now the Truth Can be Told

From: Mark Ross (markross13_at_home.com)
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 09:21:18 EST

I have just completed my Product Reseller Newton 2100 project. Here's
the low down for those of you who missed getting in early enough:

When Cees negotiated a $150 price for us, somehow, the information got to
a Resellers mailing list, along with the code words. Jerry Brown (whom
I've met, a very nice fellow) had no way of knowing who was sending him
requests so our lot of 120 sold out very quickly. I was lucky enough to
get him to break out one more. I purchased 9 and they will ship today.

If anyone else wants to purchase these, they have quite a few left, but
will ONLY sell to a US address and credit card # in lots of 10. I will
be traveling next week, so I'm out of the picture. If someone wanted to
put together groups of 10, they can purchase them themselves if they are
US customers. Overseas customers will likely have to come through me
since I can
"wash" the money through a US account, verify cards and the like. I will
be out until the first week in Feb. This last effort took quite a bit of
time on my part, so I may do this once more if demand is there. This, of
course, assumes that the Newton's will still be there when I get back.

Mark Ross

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