Re: [NTLK] Now the Truth Can be Told

From: Cees witsen (
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 13:54:22 EST

>G'Day Mark

Thanks for clearing that up it's much appreciated and a big thumbs up
too for your valuable work for the OS members.


>I have just completed my Product Reseller Newton 2100 project. Here's
>the low down for those of you who missed getting in early enough:
>When Cees negotiated a $150 price for us, somehow, the information got to
>a Resellers mailing list, along with the code words. Jerry Brown (whom
>I've met, a very nice fellow) had no way of knowing who was sending him
>requests so our lot of 120 sold out very quickly. I was lucky enough to
>get him to break out one more. I purchased 9 and they will ship today.
>If anyone else wants to purchase these, they have quite a few left, but
>will ONLY sell to a US address and credit card # in lots of 10. I will
>be traveling next week, so I'm out of the picture. If someone wanted to
>put together groups of 10, they can purchase them themselves if they are
>US customers. Overseas customers will likely have to come through me
>since I can
>"wash" the money through a US account, verify cards and the like. I will
>be out until the first week in Feb. This last effort took quite a bit of
>time on my part, so I may do this once more if demand is there. This, of
>course, assumes that the Newton's will still be there when I get back.
>Mark Ross
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