[NTLK] Getting rid of a backdrop button and 1 more

From: beaumontj_at_mindspring.com
Date: Sun Jan 20 2002 - 13:49:24 EST

Hi all:

I have 2 questions I hope someone can answer: First, I've been
using Newton Underground's backdrop. I tried out a program
which installed a button on the backdrop, but I decided to erase
the demo of the program and don't want the button on the
backdrop anymore. I've reinstalled NUbackdrop but the button
won't disappear. I don't see any soup for NUbackdrop. What do I

Second question: I was installing packages from my computer to
a card in the Newton. I lost the connection in the middle of
installing a package. If I try to put the card in the Newton, it now
crashes when trying to activate this half-installed package and
the Newton is frozen. Is there a way to insert the card in the
Newton without having it activate packages (so I can erase the
bad data)?



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